TÜRKÇE       21.11.2024
1- Participants:
One participant is www.inalkitabevi.com giving information, participating and offering sales and giving adds for İnal Books and all other site visitors, members, orderers, buyers, interpreters and institutions as participants on the other hand. They all will be called members, visitors and user in the following contract conditions.
2- Contract confirmation:
The user agrees to all conditions of the contract by filling up the membership form and pres sing the button to confirm it.
3- The definitions of the services:
By confirming the agreement www.inalkitabevi.com enables the members to order,buy and interpret freely in the electronic environment.
4- Membership:
By pressing the button `concerning the agreement` after filling out the memberships form completely and confirming this transaction to be a member of www.inalkitabevi.com the user gets a code of his own choice, this code is personal and can be changed by its owner only and is under his responsibility.
www.inalkitabevi.com is not to be held responsible for the safety of this personal code. The use of the code is required for all the services of www.inalkitabevi.com.
5- User and member obligations:
When benefiting the membership and user services:
5-1 Member should comply with all the Turkish law procedures concerning common moral rules, and also international law clauses, he also has to regard law clauses settled in the agreement during the use of the electronic communications.
5-2 Any false info given by the member can lead to the result of his memberships cancellation. The member holds full responsibility for the infos he has given for his memberships
5-3 www.inalkitabevi.com cannot be held responsible for any loss of info or wrong distribution
5-4 The member cannot copy, distribute, change, and or reproduce any of the materials in www.inalkitabevi.com
5-5 The infos in the site are only to be used by person who are skilled to do so.
5-6 If the member reaches the site thru illegal entries other than shown by www.inalkitabevi.com, and makes illegal changes and uses the site in illegal forms he will be held responsible for any cost caused by these transactions by www.inalkitabevi.com
5-7 www.inalkitabevi.com cannot be held responsible for any damages caused to the data-base by the use of unauthorized person.
6-  The member is responsible for all material :
Communications, headlines, symbols, pictures, photographs or designs he wants to share in the site www.inalkitabevi.com, should all be appropriate to law rights, copyrights and common morals and to the rules of good manners and furthermore should not be of any pornographic and or racist content and also should not be of threatining nature to the rules of common manners . In the case of the use of such material the member is responsible and www.inalkitabevi.com cant be held responsible for any use of the files.
6-1 Member should not misuse or harm any of the information he reaches in the site and should not harass or threaten any other user and should not send any info or program which will harm any material of the soft ware of the site.
6-2 Member should refrain using, distributing, printing any unsuitable material which would blacken or violate the names of person and institutions.
6-3 Member should not use www.inalkitabevi.com without its permission to advertise or use the site for commercial purposes or use the site for the sale of any material or use the same for public surveys and or chain letters.
6-4 Member gives his consent to the use of his entries into the site by www.inalkitabevi.com.
6-5 www.inalkitabevi.com cannot be held responsible for any loss of material caused during the use of the site by members and cannot be claimed for these losses.
6-6 The name and address of the site and the contents belong to www.inalkitabevi.com, he beholds the rights to make any changes in the name without any notice, he can stop and put intervals into the flow of his program.
6-7 www.inalkitabevi.com can stop the flow of his program and can expel a member his membership or keep him out of his services without further notice.
6-8 www.inalkitabevi.com can use his site for commercial purposes
6-9 Infos and material of illegal nature should not be mailed, also the use of chain-mail and span -mail is prohibited.
6-10 Member is responsible for all the transactions he makes with his code in the site.
6-11 If the member has chosen the credit card for his payments, it should be valid, in the case of an invalid card, member should be aware of the fact that he cannot make his purchase with this invalid card.
6-12 During the delivery the receiver has to show his identity and fill out a form with his personal identity infos and signature. Third person for the receipt of the order should be known by the deliverer and any cost aroused by a denial at the collection of the delivery should be taken over by the receiver.
7- www.inalkitabevi.com is authorized to:
7-1 www.inalkitabevi.com can cease or give an interval to the flow of his program and cannot be held responsible for this act.
7-2 www.inalkitabevi.com gives his membership to the user, and demands a complete filled out form for the membership. He beholds the right to refuse a membership or can stop the services for a member even if he owns already an activated code for the site.
7-3 We as www.inalkitabevi.com give no commitment for service quality or safe delivery.
7-4 www.inalkitabevi.com has formed a quata and beholds the rights to enlargen or decrease the amount of his quata according to his needs.
7-5 www.inalkitabevi.com holds the rights of erasing or adding any material or file at any time to his reserves during the users search in the electronical milieu. He cannot be held responsible of the outcomes of these processes.
7-6 www.inalkitabevi.com holds all the copyrights for all material displayed for sale in his site. (information, documents, any software, graphics, designs, drawings, script and cartoon drawings) self produced or bought .
7-7 All material given for display to the site www.inalkitabevi.com with the consent of the user or member can be used for commercial purposes by www.inalkitabevi.com and also can be passed over to third parties. If these are copied or published by third parties, www.inalkitabevi.com is not ready to pay any copyright costs or any contribution for the use of these materials under other names.
7-8 www.inalkitabevi.com cannot guaranty the supply of every order made as his and his manufacturers stocks are limited. He has the right to reject the order, to cancel the order and to refund the payment for all the material that are no more in his stocks. The display of the items in the site is not a guaranty for stock limits.
7-9 www.inalkitabevi.com can use, and he can let third parties use the material shared within his site by users and members like: (personal infos, communications, presentations, advertising, delivery etc.) and also web sites and commercially usable material.
7-10 www.inalkitabevi.com can use the members registered infos for the use of advertising and promotions made by other firms and he can also be part of these acts. www.inalkitabevi.com beholds all the rights for changes he makes in the prices and features of the articles he has on display in his site. In the case of a discrepancy between the price and feature of the article displayed and the actual form of the article to be delivered, www.inalkitabevi.com beholds his rights to cancel and or deliver the article in its actual form. In the case of a cancel, he will refund the amount of the order to the buyer.
7-11 The users of www.inalkitabevi.com can be transferred over to other web-sites but www.inalkitabevi.com cannot be held responsible for the contents of these web-sites in no means.
7-12 www.inalkitabevi.com can change the use of his services `membership not required` to `membership required`, can bring in new services to his site or change wholly or partially the services on display and use, he also can change any of his services `free of charge` into `payment required`.
7-13 www.inalkitabevi.com can change any of the clauses of this contract and can add new clauses if any required for the adaptation to the actual legal milieu or for any technical purposes required.
8- Restricted use of the site:
The member or user, if not arranged otherwise, can use www.inalkitabevi.com only for his personal needs and not for any commercial purposes.
9- Taxation:
Any changes on aspects in legal grounds which are not included in this contract remain outside the responsibility limits of www.inalkitabevi.com and cannot lead to an obligatory change of the original contract.
10- The item ordered is delivered to the customer in its original packing within the delivery conditions against his personal data and signature. Orders made on weekends and or national holidays are put into process on the following weekday. www.inalkitabevi.com cannot be held responsible for delays which are not under his control area. Any delivery made which cannot be made properly due to the absence of the customer or receiver at the address given for delivery and also missed delivery due to wrong and missing information in the address of delivery are all under the responsibility of the customer.
The freight deliverer leaves a note at the address of delivery in case of the absence of the receiver or customer, notifying the customer of his freight. If the customer contacts the freight co. within 3 days the delivery is made within the freight charges already paid . After 3 days the order will be canceled and a refund excluding the freight charges will be made for this delivery to the account of the customer.
11- Return of items bought:
In damage cases: If a damage is on the items original packing, the item will be changed without any charges. If the damaged was caused during the use of the item by the user, this is not included in the guaranty, and the freight charges in this case have to be taken over by the customer.
12- Legal recordings according to HUMK 128: The customer agrees to abdicate his objection rights, in the case of a disagreement between the supplier and the freight co.
13- Application of authority:
Any conflict which occurs, is, in the first place, subject to the clauses of the contract. If no clause exists in the contract for the case than the Turkish law clauses (BK TTK HUMK MK and others) apply.
14- Authorized court and executing departments:
Any conflict in the matter of practice of the contract, will be taken over to the courts of Istanbul or their debt. offices.
15- In force:
This contract with its condition start to apply as soon as the user presses the button for his membership
16- www.inalkitabevi.com can cancel the whole contract without any further notice and explanation.